Should be a top night...
1 Tonight is the launch of XFM's "The REmix" triple album at Cargo, Rivington Street, EC2... it's a great venue and it should be a good night, it features a DJ set from The Beta Band and also the first ever by monster remixer Jagz Kooner...
Reserve tickets here, though it's possibly worth trying "I am Pauly PopEx, and so is my wife" as they said they'd put me on the guestlist, and I can't make it now...
⬅️ Oh my god... :: Win Spiritualized tickets ➡️
This content originally from my popular (in the tail end of the '90s) website Parts were written by other people, so mainly originally created by me. I shifted this content here when the website finally closed down at the start of the noughties. Hopefully this brings back memories assuming you find it.