PopEx ≫ 2001 ≫ Chris Moyles Pitiful Begging

Aren't I always saying Carling is my favourite lager? BIG UP to Bass Breweries...

Did you hear Chris Moyles on the radio begging for a Reading ticket? Cuh, terrible abuse of privilege

If anyone out there has a ladder they can lend us in the Reading area, or possibly a JCB or riot bus or something that we can charge the gate with, please mailto:reading@popex.com" get in touch...

💬 Reading Festival

⬅️ :: ➡️

This content originally from my popular (in the tail end of the nineties) site popex.com. Some of this contributed by valued punters, so mainly originally created by me. I moved this content here when popex finally shut down in the early '00s. Hopefully this ignites memories if you find it.