MJ Hibbet plays Taunton Chambers on Wednesday night...
MJ Hibbett is playing way out West this week - July 25th he will be playing at Chambers, in Taunton.
Chambers is "opposite the Virgin and below the Orange shop in Taunton town centre. The Orange shop sells phones, it is not a greengrocers", thanks to valued punter Mike for that.
Obviously you can only go if you are too far West that you could not possibly make it to Yo Below in Clerkenwell in time for the PopEx A-Z Quiz Thing that very same night...
⬅️ Pete and Mike :: Seafood ➡️
This content originally from my very popular (in the late '90s) website popex.com. Some of this written by other people, so mostly editorial originally created by me. I moved the content here here when the website eventually closed down in the early noughties. Hopefully this ignites memories (assuming you find it).