Near Oxford Circus
She was in a big royal limo, heading towards Oxford Circus on that road opposite Regent St...
She wasn't driving, there were two fellers in the front (not Charlie Boy though), and her and someone who looked EXACTLY LIKE her in the back, so possibly:
a) Her Sister b) Her Mum c) Her Stunt Double d) A Horse
The car had a weird badge on the top, I thought maybe it was a radar gun that would make all the red lights turn green, but no, she got stopped at the traffic lights, just like someone who's not shagging the heir to the throne.
⬅️ Guy Garvey :: High Fidelity competition to win Feeder tickets ➡️
Celebrity spotting action, not actual stalking. Got to catch them all! Originally a popular feature of my site, so mostly from the early 2000s. 99% written by valued punters. Hopefully now with some bonus location content that was lost for a while.