The new Mogwai album "Rock Action" is out now...
Hopefully you've pre-ordered it (what? Didn't you see the banners) but if not, don't forget Mogwai's "Rock Action" is out tomorrow...
Hold on, this can't be Mogwai - there's VOCALS! They're courtesy of Gruff Rhys of the Super Furries, so maybe that still counts? Also Slint have a bit of a chip in too...
OR You can have a free listen to STACKS of Mogwai back catalogue here: [nah long gone link]
Cheers! I'll be going back to bed about now...
⬅️ Mel B and Atomic Kitten but not REM :: Natalie Imbuglia ➡️
This content originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the '90s) website Parts were contributed by other people, so mostly editorial originally created by me. I moved the content here here when the website finally closed down at the start of the noughties. Hopefully this ignites memories (if you find it).