A tour, and a new album...
Everclear are touring- not until the end of May, but it's nice to have a bit of notice innit... catch them here:
25th May - Dublin SFX 26th May - Wolverhampton Wulfrun Hall 27th May - Manchester University 28th May - Glasgow Barrowland 30th May - Nottingham Rock City 31st May - Portsmouth Pyramid 1st June - Brixton Academy
The new album , the snappily titled "Songs From An American Movie Volume 2: Good Time For A Bad Attitude" isn't out until the 9th of April, but you can get it on import here: www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000051767/popexcom
The content here originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the '90s) site popex.com. Some of this written by other people, but mostly editorial originally created by me. I shifted this content here when the website eventually closed down at the start of the '00s. Hopefully this brings back memories (if you find it).