Got the new Manics single, let me describe it to you...
The Manics Christmas single "So why So Sad" seems to have arrived a bit late, but it is Phil Spector-TASTIC. Millions of layers of stuff, and what sounds like a Melotron in there somewhere. It is a very un-manics-like single, a true welcome departure.
If you've not heard it yet, imagine this throbbing threesome were locked in a novelty instrument shop for the whole of the festive period, and just had to try out every single one. Then, wait, what's that? That jangling, is it someone with the keys to let them out? No, it's ROLF HARRIS, sans wobble board, but he has brought his Stylophone (TM), he's going to do a solo, everyone take cover...
"So Why So Sad" is released on the 26th of February, and so is "Found That Soul". Two releases on the same day? Who do they think they are, Guns 'n Roses? Ooh, I'm having a Deja Vu...
If you're a fan (and you wouldn't have read through all this drivel otherwise), then TAKE NOTE: There's an exclusive showing of the video for "Found That Soul" on "The Base" tonight, Carlton and a few other regions at 11.30. The show also features Placebo, Divine Comedy and Alisha's Attic LIVE! Peer hard into the back of the crowd for that popEx t-shirt...
This content originally from my very popular (in the late '90s) site Parts were written by other people, but mainly originally created by me. I replicated this content here when popex finally shut down in the early noughties. Hopefully this brings back memories if you read this.