Suede are having a big clearout of STUFF, at the VIP International Record Fair...
Suede are having a big clearout of STUFF, at the VIP International Record Fair, on Sunday 28th of January...
The "Suede Information Service will be selling Suede CDs, records,
T-shirts, tour jackets, inflatable cubes, posters, kites, condom holders, 'oddly shaped pieces of cardboard', and a whole load of other Suedey things" apparently...
Ah, so this is just the place for me to pick up CD2 of "The Wild Ones"? NO, nurrr, that sold out ages ago... but there will be the opportunity to get your hands on some very rare and valuable stuff, including a jacket, belonging to Brett Anderson1.
There will be freebies for fan club members, nice...
The details again, Sunday 28th January, 10am - 4pm at "London International", on Great Russel St, London WC1.
PS, there will be tons of other stalls there for non Suede fans. And no, the band will not be there.
This content originally from my very popular (in the late '90s) site Some of this written by other people, but mostly editorial originally created by me. I moved the content here here when the website eventually closed down at the start of the 2000s. Hopefully this ignites memories (assuming you read this).