PopEx ≫ 2000 ≫ All the tickets are gone

Abdoujaparov and Damned tickets have been won...

The Abdoujaparov and Damned tickets have been won and sent out now... If I was more organised I'd have a list of winners here... as with competition LAW, if you want one, you can send me an SAE though...

SO, you're in London, and you didn't win, what you gonna do tonight? You can go see At The Drive In, if you have a ticket, or are prepared to wrestle a tout, this will surely be the best gig of the year... OR, you can hope they really did keep some tickets back for the Idler's party at 333 Old St tonight - Zodiac Mindwarp (featuring Alex James according to my chum at the NME) are the entertainment, plus more...

OR, you can come and see Marcel, at the Hope and Anchor. And if you've got a spare flyer, can you let me have it, I left mine at home...


💬 Marcel

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This content originally from my very popular (in the late nineties) website popex.com. Parts were written by other people, but mainly originally created by me. I moved this content here when popex eventually shut down in the early '00s. Hopefully this brings back memories if you find it.