It was him, and possibly Elton John too...
Last night was a FRANK BLACK EXTRAVAGANZA at Camden Underworld - not for us the heady delights of a full on Pixies Reunion, or even the rumoured appearance of Pixies guitarist Joey SanDytoksvig, it was an acoustic, show, just Frank and his guitar.
He teased, by opening the show with Mr Grieves, and scattered a few other Pixies numbers through, including the Fight Club-TASTIC Where Is My Mind, but it wasn't a Pixies show. He pleased, he excited, but I don't know if he gave the people who paid EIGHTY QUID for a ticket their moneys worth...
PJ Harvey was there, so were Adam and Joe and Kevin Shields, and also, are you ready for this, ETHAN HAWKE. Ah, the subject probably gave it away a bit...
This content originally from my very popular (in the late '90s) website Some of this contributed by valued punters, so mostly editorial originally created by me. I shifted this content here when popex eventually closed down at the start of the '00s. Hopefully this brings back memories (if you find it).