Kylie closes three weeks of shit TV...
As predicted here a week or two ago, Kylie Minogue performed Abba's Dancing Queen at the close of the 2000 Sydney Olympics... Way to go KYLIE!
What can replace the Olympics in our lives? Only MUSIC - when will there be a Music Olympics? The guestlist queue jump, the 100 dash for the set list after the gig, any more?
Valued punter Ed Pelegrino just sent me this GRATE site 1 it has details of all the Australian charts, news on where Antipodean artists are charting round the world, and many, many mentions of Ms Minogue. Cheers, and also G'Day.
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This content originally from my popular (in the tail end of the nineties) site Parts were contributed by valued punters, so mainly originally created by me. I shifted this content here when popex finally closed down at the start of the noughties. Hope this brings back memories (if you find it).