No really, that's what I thought it said...
Was trying to read someone else's paper on the tube this morning, and a chap had his hands over part of the front of his copy of The Sun, so all I could see was "Billie Bans Sun Sn__ Do__"... One could only assume the old currant bun had had some hilarious (but obviously inappropriate) novelty toys knocked up, but it seems this isn't the case...
The sun tried to send their SNIFFER DOG along to Billie Piper's Eighteenth birthday party, but she was having none of it...
Read the full story here...
This content originally from my popular (in the tail end of the nineties) website Parts were written by other people, but mainly originally created by me. I moved the content here here when the website finally closed down at the start of the 2000s. Hopefully this ignites memories assuming you find it.