PopEx ≫ 2000 ≫ GRATE day

Uh, no disrispeck or anything...

Uh, GRATE DAY unless you're one of Paula Yates' daughters, obviously, hearts and flowers to Moonbasket Pokemon and all the rest. The GRATEness to which I refer is that The Fighting Cocks are no longer split up...

"Yes, the music industry is fucking evil..." says Ludas "Charlie" Matyi part wolf / part gangster / part frontman of the band, "but so are we, and we're back, and we're doing the Uncle Bob's t'ing"

It will be "cheerleader - tastic" by all accounts...

⬅️ :: ➡️

This content originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the 1990s) site popex.com. Parts were contributed by other people, but mostly editorial originally written by me. I moved the content here here when popex eventually closed down at the start of the 2000s. Hope this ignites memories assuming anyone sees this.