An amazing breakthrough in human / website / pop group interaction...
Underworld have a new album "Everything, Everything" out on September 4th, to be followed by special magic DVD version in October...
blah blah, exclusive content, moving images blah blah... No, this is the bit I was looking for:
There will be film footage and audio that has never been available, including data files... [which] will be updated at regular intervals, and for the foreseeable future" says the press release.
A record company? Keeping a website update? HOLD THE FRONT PAGE! Surely they meant to say "We will be getting a new agency in every few months, to reproduce the original content in an expensive new way, which no-one will be bothered with"?
⬅️ Fastest selling album EVER? :: Everybody STILL Loves Urusei Yatsura ➡️
This content originally from my very popular (in the late '90s) website Parts were contributed by other people, but mainly originally created by me. I moved this content here when popex finally shut down in the early '00s. Hope this brings back memories (if you read this).