News that no-one cares about part one
The Levellers are putting on their own mini-festival on the Isle of Wight from the 1st to the 3rd of September to celebrate their newest Album "Hello Pig" which will be out on the 4th of September. They are also releasing a single on August 28th called "Happy Birthday Revolution".
Me? Take a dig at as easy a target as the Levellers? I don't think so... I'll leave that for a valued punter, to be identified only as "Rob":
I went to go see the Lev's in Thetford Forest on Saturday. They were a bit pants. They forgot the words to their songs and only played for about 40 mins. I loved them... and now I don't love them as much
Thanks Rob.
This content originally from my very popular (in the late '90s) site Parts were contributed by valued punters, but mainly originally created by me. I replicated this content here when the website eventually closed down at the start of the noughties. Hopefully this ignites memories (if you find it).