The new single by Hayley's Cake is available, uh, about now...
The new single by Hayley's Cake - You Do Voodoo - is available right about now...
Reputedly recorded for 150 quid, but sounding like at least twice that, it's a WAY funky piece, and really ought to be a hit.
It sounds a bit like Jamiroquai NO DON'T STOP READING, but the vocal is more feminine, what with being sung by a girl and everything. A bit reminiscent of that Emiliana Torrini, in fact. It's an all round spanking gorgeous slab of Hammond and bass, and that is my review.
There's a copy up for grabs this week, be lucky...
⬅️ Bjork Canned in France :: Bobboon ➡️
This content originally from my very popular (in the late '90s) website Parts were contributed by valued punters, but mainly originally created by me. I replicated this content here when the website eventually closed down at the start of the '00s. Hope this brings back memories (assuming you find it).