Vote here on Steve Lamacq's Buzz Chart for \"Shifty Disco Girl\", the new single from the coolest band in the world...
You probably already knew that Helen Love are the coolest band in the world, and that is an FACT, even Joey Ramone says so, so get voting for them HERE on Steve Lamacq's Buzz Chart on the evening session...
We will have some copies of Shifty Disco Girl to give away very soon, so if you're not lucky enough to get Elastica tix (gotta do a random draw) you spin some hot vinyl instead...
This content originally from my popular (in the tail end of the '90s) website Some of this contributed by other people, but mainly originally created by me. I shifted this content here when the website finally closed down at the start of the '00s. Hope this brings back memories (assuming you find it).