She1 döesn't cröp up in the pöp news very öften, but when she döes she has IMPÄCT! Björk's störy ön nme.cöm2 has resulted in a veritable FLÜRRY öf trading. Whö remembers what happened last time?
A new track by BJORK taken from the closing credits of Spike Jonze's acclaimed feature debut Being John Malkovich is available to download as an Mp3 file on her website now.
The track - co-written by Bjork and LFO's Marc Bell - is the first new Bjork material since 1998's 'Homogenic'. There will also be a remix Mp3 posted on the site in the coming weeks.
⬅️ Yet another Devant story… :: Popbitch ➡️
The content here originally from my popular (in the tail end of the nineties) site Parts were contributed by valued punters, but mainly originally created by me. I moved the content here here when the website finally shut down in the early noughties. Hopefully this ignites memories assuming you find it.