Will I achieve anything on my day off?

Expert shop

No parkrun today

Day nine-ish of covid?

Achieved a few things while I don't have the energy to move far

Covid finally caught us

Todo: todo a new todo list

In case you were not sure about veganism being better

About that booking of the train tickets

Surely the last todo list of 2021?


Really hard to find someone who needs the work

Oh yeah that clears some of my todo list

Pay day

So does my todo list appear as a nice preview image too?

Fixed my SVG preview images

Turns out I can put off the hallway lighting a bit longer

Frittering the long weekend away

A rare trip out, to Dover

Working on a new todo list

I tidied the study

Went to London, came back

Last day of work for two months

Hmm tidying the study is going well then...

TV sound setup went wrong again yesterday

Active day with the boys

Pay day

Very much enjoying this cheeky javascript

I have simplified the star ratings

update star ratings here to use fewer html elements

Did one of my todo list actually become TODONE???

@todo get a new NAS!

And fixed it

Aha, update, my todo list is partly to-done

This week's progress on my todo list

todo: Tidy the study

The Clarke family of Leeds and Burley-in-Wharfedale

I slept strangely well last night

Number one son had a cinema party today

@todo zone minder

Rimmer's task list

Second day with no coat

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