Posts for security camera

Still no mouse update, but a minor reindeer issue

Can I carry over some of yesterday's steps to today?

Badger cam working, sort of

Hissing down today

Well I think this camera is quite good

Hythe Cleaners have actually come from Essex

oh yeah turns out there was a new raspberry pi camera on the way

Day off

Good long weekend so far!

Fibre optic speed from work to the house is good

I'm online again fibre optic speed

Are there burglars on the prowl locally?

All cameras are police cameras

Made a page for my "pi motion" repo

Raspberry Pi camera module has been a bit flakey

Solar powered shed server is still running!

Solar powered shed computer are go!

There's a new raspberry pi out today

Day of new hardware

Raspberry Pi security camera project

Does my lawn look like a bmx track?

Oh no!

Hot crime action on our street last night

Badger cam

How to install Refinery CMS on Heroku

And the camera's working at last

Thieving bastards

Paul Clarke


Family tree

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