Blog2020 ≫ We just bought a weekly bus ticket for the boy...

... and now he has to self isolate for two weeks because someone else on the bus has tested positive for coronavirus, gah. The boy himself is very happy with this. School will send home work for them, but he can't go out, so he doesn't even have to exercise. He will go a bit stir crazy and be annoying I'm sure. The rules are quite complex still. This from the school:

This is a reminder that if your son develops symptoms of COVID-19, they must not come to school and should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date when their symptoms appeared. Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for testing and this can be arranged via[coronavirus](/wiki/#coronavirus)-test or by calling 119.

All other household members who remain well, must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. This includes anyone in your ‘Support Bubble’.

Further information is available at: guidance/stay-at-home-guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection

I was thinking of getting some more of those Symfonisk speakers from IKEA that are really Sonos, but then thought I need something to connect to the laptop more than that. Thought I'd have to get a simple bluetooth setup, or some cheap speakers to plug in using a headphone lead. But no, I can get the speakers I want and you can "airplay" to them from the macbook. I tried it this evening and it's fine. So next pay day, more of these speakers1 for the study.

It's going to be great down there. I'm starting to develop a plan for a foldaway bar. It's going to be part study, part pub, part Bond villain headquarters.

Coronavirus weekly death graph for USA + Brazil + India + Mexico + UK + Italy

popex graph Graph line from 4417.0 to 18090.0🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Graph line from 2558.0 to 7770.0🇧🇷 🇧🇷 Graph line from 1318.0 to 8514.0🇮🇳 🇮🇳 Graph line from 1770.0 to 5131.0🇲🇽 🇲🇽 Graph line from -3671.0 to 7959.0🇬🇧 🇬🇧 -3571 deaths? 🇬🇧 readjusted figures here! Graph line from 39.0 to 3849.0🇮🇹 🇮🇹 Y axis of graph 0 - 5000 - 10000 - 15000 - X axis of graph May '20 Jun '20 Jul '20 Aug '20 Sep '20 Oct '20 Nov '20


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married to Clare + father to two, I'm a full stack web developr, + I do javascript / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.